Why do two people with exactly the same problem, issue, or pattern respond differently to the same therapy?
Because the same problem, issue, or pattern may arise from totally different causes and origins and therefore require entirely different treatments.
We have all been endowed with an innate healing ability that has been with us since the evolution of our species.
The first step is to own the fact that we have a conscious and subconscious mind and not deny that whatever is occurring in life – failure or success – is related to this fact.
The new sciences of quantum physics and epigenetics are revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter, challenging established scientific theories and prompting a complete re-evaluation of life as we have known it.
Bruce Lipton, author of “The Biology of Belief”, says that the old vision was that genes are self-actualizing, meaning genes could turn themselves on and off. As a result, most people today believe they are genetic automatons, and that their genes control their lives. But Liptons research introduces a radical new understanding of cell science. The new biology reveals that we ‘control’ our biological information (genome) rather than being controlled by it. It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception or interpretation of the environment directly controls the activity of our genes.
This explains why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities. The significance of this shift in belief is vast in that the original view led to the notion that we are victims of our biology. Whereas the ‘new’ sciences show that we are actually masters of our biology.
This new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the role of a mind and spirit. This breakthrough is fundamental in all healing because it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells, causing a reprogramming of their expression. There is no scientific validation for the belief that DNA controls life.
The new understanding of how genes work is that this hypothesis is incorrect because genes are actually blueprints that are read. Therefore the emphasis shifted and the issue became, who the heck is reading these blueprints? It transpires that the reader is the mind. So the mind becomes the all-powerful contractor of the body.
The mind tells the cells what it anticipates and the cells go into the blueprint – the DNA – and create what the mind is anticipating. People hear about ‘positive thinking’ but when they attempt to put it into practice it doesn’t work because there is a step missing.
The mind runs the biology, but the important thing to recognize is that there are two parts to the mind, the conscious and the subconscious and that there are two very critical factors that distinguish the two parts.
1. When it comes to processing information the subconscious mind is over a million times more powerful than the conscious mind.
2. Scientists have revealed that the conscious mind only operates at best about five percent of the day. Ninety five percent or more of the time we run our lives from the subconscious mind.
It has been statistically established that one third of all medical healings (including surgery) are derived from the placebo effect as opposed to intervention.
This means if someone has an illness and takes a sugar pill under the assumption that it’s a prescribed drug designed to cure the condition, a healing will occur one third of the time.
This is a scientifically established fact, which is taught in medical school and what it says is that perception and belief can instigate healing that occurs innately by the body. We have all been endowed with an innate healing ability that has been with us since the evolution of our species. The first step is to own the fact that we have two minds and not deny that whatever is occurring in life – failure or success – is related to this fact. We need to shift the belief that we are victims of circumstances beyond our control.
The two minds work in tandem. If the conscious mind is busy thinking about something the subconscious mind will do whatever task is at hand. But this is the critical thing.
It will do it according to the program (Akashic Records – Original Cause) that was put in there, which is often negative and therefore reduces our abilities. Conclusion When we compete the conscious and the subconscious, the subconscious always wins.
So we’re functioning 95 percent of the day with a more powerful mind that was programmed by other circumstances with limitations that will prevent us from going someplace, yet we can’t see it unless we purposely become aware of it.
Once you become conscious, you can create a better outcome for anything. That’s what consciousness is all about. Finding the proper solution for each person, as well as focusing on each individuals physical and metaphysical needs, will allow the client to create a healing energetic shift. The question is: “How can we best navigate through the realm of the Akashic Records to create this shift?”
For more information or Akashic Records Reading, contact Rev. Gabrielle Orr at 305-495-1239.