with Gabrielle Orr
Become an Akashic Record Consultant and positively influence your life and that life of others.
while in the comfort of your own home.
This educational and in-depth apprenticeship program teaches you to:
- Conduct professional Akashic Record Consultations
- Develop and deepen your Intuitive Gifts
- Integrate your gifts into your professional life
- Learn protocols for working with others
- Make a magnificent impact on your life as well as
your clients lives
Akashic Records Level 1
- How to Access Your Own Akashic Records -
Course participants will learn a skill that allows them to connect to their Akashic Records at any given time and location. The exercises of this course are designed to prove to the participants that they are accessing their own Akashic Records.
Course Objectives:
- Access your Own Akashic Records.
- Use a tool that will forever be a source of profoundly illuminating growth, insight and guidance.
- Identify and track patterns that no longer serve you, find the origin of these patterns and how to shift them.
- Ground yourself and live your life with an open heart.
- Contact ancestors and loved ones.
- Retrieve information regarding any given event from the past, present or possible future.
- Gain insight regarding familiar and unfamiliar subjects.
Akashic Records Level 2
- How to Access Someone Else's Akashic Records -
Course Objectives:
- skillfully give readings for others.
- find the origin of your "client's" health issues, patterns and challenges and how to assist them in creating a more beneficial outcome.
- align, balance and uplift others through the Spirit of the Akashic Records.
- work from a space of unconditional love and compassion, which will act as a great blessing to you as well as those you serve.
Akashic Records Level 3
- How to use the guidance of the Akashic Records to create an energetic healing shift for Oneself and Someone Else. -
You will work on shifting energy by revealing and eliminating the roots of an issue or a challenge to achieve healing on all levels and create a harmonious life for yourselves and your clients.
Course Objectives:
- shift energy on the cellular-level.
- understand the importance of your subconscious mind and how to use it to heal unwanted patterns and to create what you really want in your life as well as your clients lives.
- release issues on a Karmic Level.
- let go of False Mental Beliefs and Emotional Issues.
Akashic Records Level 4
- How to feel one with God, Source, Creation. -
Course Objectives:
You will work on shifting energy for yourselves and your clients by revealing and eliminating separation from our Source.
- understand the interconnectedness of all Beings, Events and Things and explore your role in this field.
- consciously create peace in your life.
- define the qualities of Oneness.
- create and maintain your connection to God/Oneness/Source.
- see your Akashic Record clients, and everybody else, as part of this Oneness and Wholeness.