Wisdom from connecting to the Akashic REcords
Teachings from the Akashic Records
It is my heart’s desire to share with you the beauty and joy I receive by connecting to the Divine Source of the Akashic Records. That’s why I’ve committed myself to convincing YOU to believe that Louise Hay’s slogan “I can do it” is true for you, too.
As my students, in a two-day program, learn how to access the Akashic Records for themselves, I discover with them, over and over again, how exciting it is to be able to connect to the Divine Source. Before every class I teach, I ask my Masters and Teachers from the Akashic Records for specific advice on how to guide the students and the class energy. And every time I receive the same answer: “Relax! We are the real teachers of the class. Just let US take over, and all is going to be well.” And that’s exactly how it is, every time. I get the material ready, talk about the meaning of Akasha, the history and the many scientific facts. Then we, my Masters, Teachers and I, explain the process of how to access the Akashic Records (AR) and how to retrieve the divine guidance. That’s when the fun really starts.
When all of us enter the field of the AR, our energy starts to expand. The vibrations in the room change so that they literally become palpable. As the students’ heart chakras open and their minds try to grasp their new experience, the whole class resonates on a higher level. Many feel the contact physically, like pressure and vibration above their 8th chakras; some hear messages like “Welcome home, my dear.” For others it feels as though their hearts overflow with love. Chris, one of my students, told me that since she took the Level I class, her heart chakra has felt more open than ever. She explained that a feeling of true, unconditional love emerged in her that lets her know that everything was, is, and will be okay. Communicating with the Records truly is a language of the heart rather than of the mind.
In every class, I take the students through a variety of specifically-tailored exercises. For example, in one exercise I might tell them to ask for “Abraham” to step forward and answer our questions regarding prosperity; in another I might ask them to bring in an Archangel to help us heal something, or an ancestor of ours to explain a family matter to us. In each case, the students and I experience an alignment of our energy with the energy of unconditional love and peace, which in return holds the power to create healing on a deep level—even to the level of restructuring our DNA. What we term DNA is, in fact, a vast library or information center that stores and contains the sacred geometrical template for each and every incarnation and lifetime. So when we connect to our DNA by allowing our energy field to align with the energy field of the Akashic Records, we can access the template of perfect health and well-being which is our natural state of being, or birthright.
I love to look at my students’ faces just after they’ve finished their first day of lessons and get ready to return home. They leave the class looking like they just received their nicest Christmas gift ever. The messages they receive are filled with so much joy and peace. In one exercise I invited the students to go into the Records individually to ask for a prayer or affirmation to help them heal a physical challenge of theirs. Beth, a beginning student, expressed a wonderfully uplifting experience with her Masters and Teachers when she asked them for an affirmation that would be helpful to her. After the exercise she couldn’t wait to tell us that her Teachers used her own sense of humor; they jokingly answered her by saying, “Repeat after us . . .” just before they gave her the affirmation, word by word.
I can only confirm that the Teachers in the AR want us to be as joyful and happy as possible, and they will do anything to support us in achieving this. When I asked them once to make me laugh (because I seemed to be having a blue day), they whispered into my ear, “Peter”–who is a friend of mine–“is wearing purple underwear.”
I started to laugh and asked, “Really?”
The response was, “You didn’t necessarily ask for a true story, you asked to laugh.”
A few days later I asked Peter if he owned purple underwear, and he raised his eyebrow to confirm. (I’m so glad that he didn’t want to know why I was concerned about his underwear.)
The Teachers are so loving and wise. For example, Olivia, another student of the Akashic Class, Level 1, received from the Akashic Records the following definition about the meaning of gratitude: “This word is the key to the universe. On gratitude is your world built. Each seed of gratitude attracts another seed of joy, of creativity, of that which is constructive. Each seed of gratitude is like a magnet, drawing to itself all that is good and satisfying and helpful. Gratitude is the key. It is also like a ladder by which you can climb to ‘us’ and to your Higher Self. It is the beacon light that draws you onward along your path Home. Bask in it and be grateful, each day of your life.”
Aren’t these wonderful words? What’s even more important is the feeling—the energy–that enters our being by receiving messages like this.
The lovely Sonia Choquette encouraged me to write a book about my classes and planted a wonderful seed within me. Sonia, I am working on it as we speak.
Teaching, for me, means that I hold the energy and intention for my students so that they can make the connection to the Akashic Records (just imagine me holding up a huge antenna). Where, on the other hand, a school teacher would have to explain every step to her students so they can use the material, I hold the energy while the student is going through her/his alignment with Source. Just like an alchemist, I channel unconditional love from the Akashic field to the students. Therefore there is no ego-based pressure, forcing, or fatigue the student has to go through but rather a safe environment and fertile ground for growth. The only thing my students need to provide is to set their intentions of wanting to communicate at their highest level. The messages are their birthright, the same birthright all of us share: the gift of receiving guidance from our Source.
Let me come to an end with something my friend Lori told me after taking the Level 1 Class: “This was very spiritually moving. I felt as though I connected to my soul’s purpose, and it placed me directly on the path of connection to a higher, divine Source. I loved it!”
And that is my heart’s desire: to teach you how to be the happiest being you can possibly be. All you have to do is set your intentions.
With all my love,
Gabrielle Orr
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