The Akashic Records are the DNA of our Universe
Your DNA accumulates all data to sort and catalog it constantly. It is your personal connection to what has been termed the Akashic Records, containing all data from all of your incarnations, on-world and off-world. It contains links and data to the Matrix of information and conscious experiences shared by all sentient life throughout the harmonic Universe – past, present and probable future.Understanding the nature and function of your DNA from a spiritual perspective will help you to understand how to work with healing energies in the most effective way.
What humans term DNA is in fact a vast information centre that stores and contains the sacred geometrical template for each and every incarnation. The DNA exists not only biologically, but on other dimensions as well.
The physical body contains the DNA records for the physical vehicle – but each of your subtle or energy bodies contain a similar set of DNA records.
Most humans were wired up to the DNA records only of their physical, emotional and mental bodies. They were not connected to their spiritual or cosmic DNA.
Part of the shift to the crystal state (multi-dimensional spirituality) is the reconnection of humans to their spiritual and cosmic DNA . This means that the crystal being has access to the full set of DNA records, also known as the Akashic Records.
When you have connected to your cosmic DNA (Akashic Records) by allowing the transition to the crystal state (Akashic Records) – you can access the template of perfect health and well-being that is the original design for human beings on this planet.
• An enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb)
• A surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or is contained.
• An environment in which something has its origin, takes form, or is enclosed.
Subtle and Energy Body
Behind the obvious physical being is a series of more subtle vehicles of consciousness, each with its own aura (shown here around the body) and energy dynamics. The set of small circles down the mid-line of the body are the chakras.
Crystal state, and crystal beings
• Crystal beings know that the whole purpose of our evolution is to explore who we are and can become on all levels.
• They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the” Law of One” or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet.
With all my Love,
Rev. Gabrielle Orr
Author; Akashic Record Teacher and Consultant
Very explained. Thank you