Some years ago I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate’s chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person’s illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.
I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called Ho’oponopono. I had always understood total responsibility, which means that I am responsible for what I think and do, not what anyone else does.
The Hawaiian therapist, Dr. Ihaleakal Hew Len, who healed those mentally ill people, was teaching an advanced new perspective about total responsibility. Dr. Len explained that he worked at the Hawaii State Hospital for four years at the ward where the criminally insane and dangerous were kept. Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People walked through the ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. Dr. Len mentioned that he never saw patients personally. He agreed to have an office and review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal. After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely. Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. Those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed. The staff began to enjoy coming to work and absenteeism and turnover disappeared. Because of these remarkable improvements, the ward was not needed anymore and has been closed.
What was happening within Dr. Len that caused these miracles to happen? He explains that he was simply healing the part of himself that created them. He explained further that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life – simply because it is in your life – is your responsibility. In a literal sense, the entire world is your creation. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another. If you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you experience is your responsibility and up to you to heal, because it is in your life. Everything exists as a projection of you. The problem is not with the other, it’s with you and to change that you have to change yourself. Ho’oponopno means loving yourself. If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you want to cure another, even a mentally ill criminal, you do it by healing yourself.
As Dr. Len went about healing those patients he went about healing himself. All he really did was look at the patient’s files and recite, “I love you, please forgive me, thank you”, over and over again.
Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself and as you improve yourself you improve your world.
With all my Love,
Rev. Gabrielle Orr
Author; Akashic Record Teacher and Consultant
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