This time of the year offers us an opportunity to reflect on our own well-being and reevaluate who we are in relationship to our creator.
It also allows us to take a moment to align our hopes and dreams with our hearts desire for the mutual benefit of all concerned.
As we move through this time of refection, joy and prosperity, we have the opportunity to extend our healing light from our heart to the rest of this world.
To send gratitude and love from a deep place in your heart will not only increase your own sense of inner peace and jolly, but also manifest in the experiences of others. If we keep on remembering how connected we all are to this powerful energetic field, also called the Matrix or Akashic Field, we will be able to lift the spirits for everybody, wether they are aware
of it or not.
Offer peace, healing and light to everyone who has crossed your path and extend this intention to our world knowing that it will spread with the speed of light.
The healing will be incredible and create a new wholeness on earth for all of us.
With these words I’d like to wish you Happy Holidays and
a very Merry Christmas.
May you be blessed with
love, joy and happiness.
As always, with much Love,
Gabrielle Orr
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