The foundation of my own spiritual practice is the profound work with the Akashic Records. I love to work with this Energy Source, which provides me with all the love, wisdom and guidance I could possibly ask for.
You are already in constant communication with spirit. Some of you are just not aware of it yet, apprehensive to it or maybe even feel unworthy of it. In any case this is about to change.
You are it! You already are the power that it takes to create a miraculous life. All you need to add is awareness and some skill to use this awareness to your advantage so the changes you are making will turn into joyful miracles, loving relationships and well-deserved prosperity.
I will do my best to make your access to the Akashic Records light to the spirit and easy to the mind. After all we want to let go of all the heaviness and burdens. So let’s be illuminated during the process of taking out the garbage and bringing in the marvels of our new identity.
The foundation of my work was built when I stated to ask myself the following questions:
Why do people with the same illness respond differently to the same treatment
(What applies to the subject of illnesses pertains also to all other areas of your life.)
Shouldn’t every person that has been diagnosed with the same disease and is undergoing the exact same treatment experience the precise same healing results as all the other?
Why are there so many different outcomes?
How does one person totally recover and another’s life ends?
Why can’t there be a guaranteed outcome when it comes to dealing with human conditions?
It’s because the illness or poverty or depression is not the origin of the problem but merely a manifestation of the original root problem.
For example, if someone has issues with their lungs it can be the result of being in a codependent or smothering relationship. Therefore the focus of healing must address the dysfunctional relationship as well as the lung condition.
Another person’s lung issues may result of working in a chemically toxic environment. So the healing must focus on eliminating the toxic chemicals from the body.
If only the manifestation of a condition but not the true root problem is being treated, than the manifestation might get better but the root problem will persist and find another way to come to the surface.
Any condition or illness has a message for you. Something in your life is not in harmony with your true being and will come to the surface, you might also say bug you, until you get the message.
The problems will not go away until you the message has been understood and addressed.
During this Akashic Record Seminar we will focus on the origin of the illness/issue and not only the illness/issue itself. The Akashic Records will provide us with answers that are paying attention to the “souls” message for you. Once you have discovered the origin and created a shift on the consciousness level the true healing can take place.
Two people with the same illness of condition may react totally different to the same therapeutic treatment because their conditions have been manifested from totally different causes.
I have found this knowledge very helpful in my work as an Akashic Records Consultant and Teacher. Numerous testimonies have confirmed that healing occurs when you solely focus on the origin of your problem and not on the disease itself.
The real questions we must ask in the Akashic Records with each case is:
“What is unique in this individual’s story and in what way does it contribute to their soul’s purpose and therefore their lives journey?
What can be done to skillfully let go of the root cause and create healing?”
Is the solution for this individual to find in surgery, medication, change of diet, or alternative healing modalities like acupuncture and homeopathy? Maybe the healing will occur through prayer or spiritual practices like meditation, silent retreats or vision quests.
Once you understand the vast variety of causes that can be responsible for one singular condition you can embrace the fact that all the possibilities of healing have its purpose. There is no modality better or worse, superior or inferior to another. The only thing that matters is that it is the right modality for you.
God, Spirit or den Akashic Records never says no to one thing and prefer another. Not in a human being and not in a healing modality. Working with the Akashic Records means that all is encompassed and part of the ONE.
Our wellbeing is often controlled by our subconscious mind. Many people feel afraid, anxious or sad without having an actual reason for it in their present circumstances.
Our subconscious mind is the place where our beliefs and memories are stored. That’s why it seems to be difficult to improve our lives by using affirmations, positive statements made consciously by the mind, only whiteout having created awareness of the real issue in the conscious mind.
To achieve a longlasting shift for the better we need to find a way to make the conscious and subconscious mind corporate together. We want to find a way to have a conscious mind “AhaMoment” which then can teach a new behavior to our subconscious mind and form a new pattern.
Once you become conscious, you can create a better outcome for anything. That’s what consciousness is all about.
Finding the proper solution for each person, as well as focusing on each individual’s physical and metaphysical needs, will allow you to create a healing energetic shift in any area of your life.
Our access and work with the Akashic Records will provide us with deeper insight on these subconscious patterns and lead us the a shifting AhaMoment where healing will occur. We will explore many avenues on how we can best eliminate our old patterns and replace them with healthier ways of living.
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