“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
— Carl Jung
In order to heal yourself and your relationships you have to become comfortable with your shadow side.
This is your dark side, the part of yourself that you are unaware of, ashamed of or embarrassed about. It is fear, judgment, perfectionism, control, resentment, regret, guilt, anger and greed. Each of these is part of you and me.
The reason we recognize these traits in others is because we have them in us, we are projecting the onto others. Instead of denying our shadow side, we can become grateful for it because it allows us to heal and grow.
When we are ready to truly improve ourselves we recognizes that the person or situation upsetting us is actually mirroring what we need to heal within ourselves.
Remember to be loving and compassionate with yourself as you take a personal inventory. With honesty you will be able to recognize your patterns. I find it always very helpful to consult the Akashic Records about any hidden shadows. As I gain clarity about my hidden patterns and receive advice on how to release them I find a new level of love and joy.
Everybody has a shadow side. No one is immune to it. It is how we survived any difficulties during our childhood and upbringing. Releasing our subconscious patterns and pains takes us to a new level of consciousness.
I had the following example with a client this week. The client complained about her husband and his lack of being a good financial provider. The way she talked about him showed that she was in great distress about him. It also brought to awareness that she unknowingly put him down a lot. Her Akashic Records showed her how her mother had belittled her over and over again when she was a little child. By now she had learned to be kind to herself and to treat herself with respect and caring. However, there was still some of that energy lingering within her, even so she was not aware of it. The pattern of belittlement had turned around, and in order to protect herself from this detrimental energy, my client had become the one who put others down. She was looking in others for things she could criticize to deflect the painful experiences that is still present inside of her. Once she recognized this pattern she immediately started to see her husband from a different perspective. As she started to understand how her own negative pattern has contributed to the situation, she let go of her anger and started to feel love and compassion again.
My advice for you is to express gratitude for whatever comes up in your life because it is there to be finally releases and transformed. This is the time for you to celebrate.
I hope the following tips will help you to shed light onto your dark side. I don’t remember where I got these guidelines from but wanted to share them with you anyways.
Anything that feels like it isn’t you.
All of your rejections.
All feelings and emotions you don’t want to own.
Aspects of your self you don’t want others to see so you wear a mask.
Our deepest, darkest and most terrible secrets.
Our resistances. What we resist, persists.
Blames others for their current situation. We blame someone else when they exhibit a part of our shadow that is trying to be healed.
Projects their disowned sub personalities onto others because they don’t want to acknowledge their hidden issues. Finger pointing! Our outer reality is a reflection of our inner reality. Whatever we see in another person, that provokes a reaction, is a reflection of something within our own being that needs to be owned.
“You are angry”
“You are obnoxious”
“You are over reactive”
“You are hateful”
“You are emotional”
You notice behaviors in others but have no need to react or respond.
Other people’s behaviors no longer create a feeling or an emotion in you. They do not trigger an internal alarm or create negative head chatter. You are becoming neutral.
You no longer blame the other person or berate yourself when a shadow aspect shows up.
You are able to fully embrace and fully love all parts of yourself, even the parts that aren’t so great. This is self-love!!!
You embrace your humanity with determination and acceptance knowing that when your shadow consciousness arises this is a positive sign that shows healing is occurring in your life.
Enjoy your self discovery and most of all love yourself in the process of it.
With all my Love,
Gabrielle Orr
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