To raise new questions, new possibilities,
to regard old problems
from a new angle, requires creative imagination.
The questions you ask in the Akashic Records and in life in general have a specific quality and vibration. The higher and clearer the vibration and intention is, the easier it will be for you to receive and understand the answers you receive.
Form each question around a specific challenge or problem. Good questions are clear, even if they are broad. Ask one main question about your challenge and then several subquestions to clarify the answer.
Questions that are asked in a “should” form are not very beneficial because it indicates an expectation as well as future manifestation from a point of view in the past. For example, “should” I go back to school to increase my income? “Should” I move to a different area to let go of my past? The Masters and Teachers will never force us to go in one specific direction. We will always have free will. Their guidance is loving, gentle and kind.
The same is true for questions that are asked in a “would” form because they often express probability or presumption. For example, “would” it be good for me to move into a new area to be happier in my life? “Would” I be healthier if I wouldn’t be in such a stressful relationship with my husband? “Would” I be successful if I “would” have gone to college?
Set your main question in the present. Some of the follow up questions might take you into your past so you can eliminate the origin of a problem or into the future so you can create a new thought pattern or belief that benefits you more in your life’s journey.
Be curious like a child and ask questions like in the title song of the German version of Sesame Street: “Who, how, what and why. Those who don’t ask stay dumb.” You can also think of yourself as a reporter and ask your questions until you are fully satisfied with the result.
Here Are Some Examples On How You Can Ask The Most Beneficial Questions During Your Daily Practice:
- What is most important for me to know at this time in my life?
- What do I need to know to live in alignment with my soul purpose?
- What do I need to know to remember who I truly am and what I came here to do?
- What do I need to know to be fully present for this event/meeting/relationship/investment?
- Is there anything I need to let go of (judgment, fear, anxiety, prejudice) to be fully present for this event/ meeting/relationship/investment?
- What do I need to know to receive clear and authentic answers from my Akashic Records?
- What is this situation teaching me?
- What is the deeper purpose of this experience and what do I need to learn from it?
- How can I let go of this problem or challenge?
- What do I need to know to experience balance and peace in my life?
- What do I need to know about being successful?
- What are the underlying reasons for my health challenges?
- What is my purpose in my relationships and how can I align myself with this purpose?
- What do I need to know to live in alignment with my creator?
- How can I strengthen my relationship with my creator?
Enjoy the answers you receive and positively influence your life and that of others.
With all my love,
Gabrielle Orr
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