Too often we don’t feel competent enough to follow our dreams.
I’ve noticed in my work with numerous clients and Akashic Record Students that low self-esteem and the fear of having our little imperfections being exposed, hinders us most.
The truth is that we are all perfect in the divine and universal sense. Our human flaws are part of the wholeness of who we truly are. It’s part of the yin and yang concept of our existence.
I had a wonderful Meeting with the new Akashic Record Teachers last week and would like to share some of the messages I received from the Akashic Records with you.
“This is not about being perfect or being one specific way. It’s not about you appearing in any other way than who you truly are right now.”
“Bring your entire life, your emotions and everything you have learned so far to this moment and be yourself. You are perfect just the way you are right now. You are enough!”
“When you start to teach or work in any other field you want to strive for excellence. You want to learn to do your work in the most professional way possible. Once you know the foundation of your work, you have to let it all go and just focus on your connection to Source. Source loves you exactly as you are.”
“Throw out the old rules of perfection and let authenticity be your new calling. Because when you are aware of and connected to what’s going on within you, others can connect to you too.”
“This requires that you are in the moment, aware of what is NOW!”
“When you are present to this moment, that’s when your true gifts can come through. Otherwise you are always acting, trying to be perfect.”
“Bring your Soul closer to your skin!”
“Be okay, be in love with your own shadow. The shadow is the stuff that you don’t want others to know about you. When you are comfortable with your own shadow you are a whole being. There is no Light without the Dark.”
“When you are whole, then there is room for growth and for evolution. That’s what our soul wants. The ability to grow and to evolve.”
Please enjoy who you truly are because you are beautiful just the way you are.
With all my Love,
Gabrielle Orr
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