Remember the last time you had a “bad” time?
Nothing went right, everything felt like it was a struggle and against you? Chances are that your life went out of balance because you neglected your spiritual self care.
When we create too much focus on one area in our lives and neglect our connection to our Source (Universe, God), this Source will find a way to get our attention, slow down our energy and bring us back into alignment with our true purpose again.
If we learn to listen to this energetic change in our lives, we will be able to establish balance and well-being again. However, if we ignore these warning signs we will create more disturbances in our lives, also called illness, poverty, isolation, depression, just to mention the most common ones.
The first step in creating balance again is to not judge yourself for having caused turbulences in your life.
For example, every time you really focus on creating more money in your life, you forget to pay attention to your physical health, relationships or creativity. If this is not in alignment with your purpose, your health will decline, your relationships will crumble and your clients will become a lot of work or stay away for good. Your energy gets dense and desperate and your are just no more fun to be around anymore.
The second step is to look for the silver lining of your situation. If you can not learn from your current state of being, you will most likely find yourself, after an initial recovery, in the same situation again. When you can look at your situation as a turning point, remembering it as a warning sign for future experiences, you will most likely learn from your lesson and recognize the “trap” next time you approach it.
Take a mental inventory of what kind of balance you would really like to experience in your life. What makes you truly happy? What brings a smile to your face, makes you feel like it’s springtime during the cold winter months?
The third step is spiritual self care. Spiritual self care can embody a lot of things. Nowadays, we can chose from meditation, yoga, creative activities like writing, music or gardening. We can get involved in spiritual activities or travel to “healing places” like John of God in Brazil or an “I can do it” conference.
I’d like to encourage you to establish your own spiritual practice that works for you no matter how spiritually evolved you are. It could be that having a cup of coffee in a book store helps you to establish your connection to source. Maybe you enjoy to walk in a park, indulge in a bubble bath, take a spiritual class that will inspire you or learn how to prepare a very healthy home cooked meal. The important thing is that you pick something that symbolizes your personal Spiritual Self Care and helps you to develop self awareness and contentment with your current situation.
The fourth step is to prepare for the future. Let go of one undesirable habit each month that doesn’t serve your happiness anymore and add a new routine that adds quality to your life. You will have a totally different life after only a few months and the best part is it happens effortlessly.
For example, this can be as simple as letting go of soda drinks and replacing it with water. Or you might choose to watch three hours of TV less each week and use this time to move in fresh air. You could also decide to let go of criticism and focus more on listening to your friends and clients with an open heart. The list of possibilities is endless, but remember to make your changes simple and to implement them slowly. This way they become permanent and have a real positive effect on your life.
We are here to experience life with all the beauty and varieties it has to offer to us. It is our choice to make it fun and effortless. Picking a spiritual self care method that serves your soul – purpose will enable you to live joyfully.
I am wishing you a beautiful start into the new year.
May all your dreams come true and may you have lots of love and joy.
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